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Virtual meeting in Xanadu

Tuż po Świętach zapraszamy na otwarte, wirtualne spotkanie z Agnieszką Gniotek zatytułowane “Inwestowanie w dzieła sztuki w czasach kryzysu”! Odbędzie się we wtorek 14 kwietnia 2020 r. o godz. 20:00 za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

>>> Meeting link

Because we cannot invite you to a live meeting, a coffee conversation or a collector's evening, we decided to prepare something that will give you a substitute for communing with art in this difficult time. During the lecture combined with a virtual tour of our interiors, you will learn why it is worth investing in works of art especially now. It will also be an opportunity to (virtually) visit the Xanadu Gallery and a new collective exhibition, which we have prepared especially for this occasion, presenting the works of artists represented by the gallery, such as prof. Ewa Zawadzka, Agata Czeremuszkin-Chrut, Julia Kowalska and Jacek Mirczak.

The meeting will be fully interactive - during the broadcast you will be able to freely ask questions or share your comments (although you can of course only participate as a listener). Participation in the tour is free. We hope to see you!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for Easter. It is a difficult time for all of us, probably many of you will not spend it as they would like. Therefore, we wish it to be, above all, a quiet time, a moment of breath from everyday stress and worries. That you would spend this Christmas safely, among your loved ones, hoping that it will be better soon.

How to attend the meeting?

To take part in Tuesday's tour, just before starting, click linkwhich will lead you directly to the Zoom program through which the meeting will be transmitted.

Installation and use of the program is extremely simple and intuitive. After opening the page, the program will automatically download to your computer. It is also possible to use it by phone, both in Android and iOS. If you don't have the option to download the program, you'll also be able to watch the broadcast from the browser. Having the program already installed, you can also join the meeting using the following login and password:

Meeting ID: 433 178 785
Password: xanadu