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Catalog of 40 Young Art Auction

We cordially invite you to read the catalog of the 40 Young Art Auction, which will take place next Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 19:30!

The catalog can be found on ours website, przez którą za pośrednictwem przycisków “Złóż zlecenie” mogą Państwo w wygodny sposób składać limity licytacyjne. Zlecenia przyjmujemy także telefonicznie pod numerem 503 012 889 lub mailowo na adres: Polecamy rownież szczególnie licytację na platformie Onebid, through which you will be able to bid online in real time.

You will be able to watch the pre-auction exhibition live in our new headquarters from June 24, Monday to Friday from 12: 00-19: 00 and on Saturday from 11: 00-18: 00. Soon we will also prepare a virtual walk around the exhibition, which will be published on the auction site!